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Dear Student!

We are glad to have you here! Welcome in our Erasmus+ section. Here you will find all the necessary information about the Erasmus+ program run at our Faculty 🙂

At our Faculty you can study history and eastern studies. You can find many classes on topics connected not only with Central and Eastern Europe in past and present times, but also history of Europe from antiquity to contemporaneity, international relations inside Europe and outside with USA, Arabic world, China etc. Feel free to mix our classes and follow your curiosity!

Serdecznie zapraszamy również naszych studentów studiów stacjonarnych!


Subjects for Erasmus + Programme students

Erasmus+ Program Coordinator

dr Ewa Kaźmierczyk - e.kazmierczyk@uwb.edu.pl

If you are looking for more detailed informations, please visit our main website:


Are you our student who is thinking about going on Erasmus+? Our Faculty has signed partnership agreements with 12 universities in Europe! The choice is yours 🙂


Pliki do pobrania

Remember, that you can participate in the Erasmus program in two ways – by studying (Student Mobility for Studies) or by practicing (Student Mobility for Placements).

More detailed informations about Eramus+ programme you can find by contacting the coordinator, in attached presentation or on the website:



Faculty of History, University of Bialystok

Dean – dr hab. Tomasz Mojsik, tmojsik@uwb.edu.pl

Wydział Historii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku

Plac Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów 1,

15-403 Białystok



Information about study 465.19KB [ .pdf ]
Libraries 37.96KB [ .pdf ]
Students life - links 57.08KB [ .pdf ]

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