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“Post-Soviet States in International Relations in the Period 1991-2021”, Białystok, May 11-13, 2022


Post-Soviet States in International Relations in the Period 1991-2021”, Białystok, May 11-13, 2022

Date: May 11-13, 2022

Place: Białystok


Centre of Post-Soviet Area Studies

Chair of International Relations (Faculty of History and International Relations, University of Białystok)


The year 1991 brought a geopolitical, economic and cultural earthquake, and the subsequent decades demonstrated that it was just the beginning of a fascinating period, in which the dynamic of changes does not slow down; on the contrary, in post-Soviet countries transformations of models are incessantly in progress: economic development, leadership, power legitimization and political systems. The transformations have been equally intense in the sphere of foreign policy and safety of both the Russian Federation as well as the other post-Soviet states. Within its framework key problems turned out to be those of para-states, defrosting armed conflicts or permanent turbulences of the area. The game on the territory of Eurasia was entered  by new state actors (EU, USA, China, Turkey, Iran, India, South Korea, Gulf countries, Japan) and non-state actors of international relations, enabling the post-Soviet states to reinterprete their relations with the West, the Far and the Middle East, and also to implement multidimensional reintegration projects as well as new vectors of raw material diplomacy. From the perspective of thirty years it is also important to note that what deserves special attentions in post-Soviet area studies is social and identity issues, as well as connected therewith demographic and cultural transformations, and the inherent problem of immigration.

We suggest that the main issues discussed at the conference include:

  • Foreign policy and civilizational choices of the states in the post-Soviet area;
  • Political activity of external players in the post-Soviet area
  • Relations between the states of the post-Soviet area;
  • Integration and disintegration processes in the post-Soviet area;
  • Discussing the importance of raw material and energy policies of the post-Soviet countries in world economy;
  • Issues of military potential of particular post-Soviet countries;
  • International circumstances and perspectives of the development of particular post-Soviet states.

We realize that the thirty years of the post-Soviet area requires multidimensional studies, sum-ups and discussions, to which we cordially invite you. We hope that the conference will not only allow us to maintain the long tradition of Eastern studies carried out at the University of Białystok, but will also open new research perspectives. It will be a field for hot disputes and an opportunity to popularize the result of Eastern studies conducted by both Polish and foreign academic centres. The conference is planned as a stationary (offline) event on 11-13 May 2022. However, the organizers reserve the right to change the formula into hybrid, if the epidemic situation exacerbates. A tentative conference agenda will be attached.

Dates and organizational issues


By April 15, 2022: deadline for registration and abstract (1-2 pages) submission

By April 20, 2022: conference fee B

 By April 20, 2022: accommodation fee deadline (on condition of confirmed reservation)

By April 30, 2022: preparation of the conference program



Conference program

We shall publish the program after registering submitted topics of presentations

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